[Smtk-developers] Unhappy dashboards

David Thompson david.thompson at kitware.com
Tue May 30 11:00:39 EDT 2017

>> Junction: idle, perhaps the build slave isn’t running? It says "no current builds"
>> Endor: unresponsive (I can ping, I can log in, but it isn’t showing up on any buildbot/cdash pages)
> I see here: https://buildbot.kitware.com/buildslaves/junction that there haven't been any connections in the last hour, but also that there are no pending builds. If you can verify that a "buildslave" process is running and not hung, then it looks like junction is fine.

I take that back. Apparently, the buildslave page does not report pending builds and there are pending builds requested (at least https://buildbot.kitware.com/builders/smtk-junction-osx-shared-release%2Bpybind11 ).

So, if you log in to junction, what does "ps ax | grep buildslave" say? Is it a zombie process or just not started? Do you know if Ben was using launchctl to start the buildslave?


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